Get personalized, 1 on 1 instruction from our professional instructors in our private studios.
Create original music. No experience required. Our veteran instructors will teach you everything you need to write any style of music you can imagine using Ableton Live. We’ll explore all the topics we cover in our group classes, including drum programming, music theory, song arrangement, sampling and so much more!
For advanced producers, we can help with mixdowns, sound design, recording techniques, and mastering, and answer any geeky questions you might have!
Learn the core skills needed to become a confident and versatile DJ. We use industry standard DJ gear (2x Pioneer CDJ2000 Nexus, and a Pioneer DJM 900 NXS2 Mixer), and help you develop the skills to use it like a pro.
Have a controller or setup of you’re own? We’re familiar with all the different setups and software, and happy to help you master your gear.
If you've ever wanted to learn how to DJ, NVMA Studio is the perfect place to learn!
Book Your Lessons Today
Purchase a lesson package and one of our instructors will contact you to arrange your first lesson.
Lesson hours may be used for Music Production or DJ lessons.

Yes, just be sure to let your instructor know what you’re hoping to work on when you book your lesson
No. You can bring a laptop/computer or DJ controller if you have one, but if not, no worries! We’ve got everything you need here
Our instructors have fairly flexible schedules, and are happy to accommodate session times that work best for you. Just let us know your availability and we’ll go from there!
Once you purchase a lesson package, one of our instructors will contact you at your provided email address and set up your first appointment. You can email or text us to check our availability
Yes! Check out our advanced mentor sessions below
Yes! Online production lessons and classes are accessible via Zoom. Be sure to have the latest version, and turn “original sound for musicians” on for the best audio qauality
These sessions are designed for advanced producers looking to connect with established artists to help them learn specialized skills, and offer feedback and guidance based on your personal music goals.
Some sessions are available in-person at NVMA Studio, or online via Zoom.
A pioneering DnB artist from Edmonton, Canada, He’s released music on acclaimed labels for nearly 20 years, and is considered one of the seminal international artists in North America.Releases on Ray Keith's Dread Recordings lead to global recognition, including DnB figurehead Goldie, leading to releases on his Metalheadz imprint and an ongoing affiliation with the imprint which continues today.
In 2010, John founded Machinist Music, a label focusing on raw, undiluted sounds within DnB. Early releases include some of the first from Rene LaVice, Trex and Acid Lab. In the subsequent decade, Machinist has released music from dozens of established and developing artists around the globe. Machinist Music is now operated alongside Dioptrics (USA).
• https://www.instagram.com/johnrolodex
• https://www.facebook.com/JohnRolodexOfficial/
• https://twitter.com/john_rolodex
• https://soundcloud.com/machinistmusic
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Abstrakt Sonance
Starting off 2019 by touring 4 continents, it is without a doubt Abstrakt Sonance is inspiring the world with his music on a global scale. Between constant tours in Europe, USA, and Canada, headlining festivals like Outlook, Shambhala, and Bass Coast,
Abstrakt still finds time to release his inspiration in the studio. Constantly releasing new anthems on labels like Tru Thoughts, and Deep Dark and Dangerous, his recent collaborations with D Double E, Irah, and Killa P have really set him apart.
Abstrakt has pushed Soundsystem culture for 9 years, and helped bring grime to Canada, while promoting a consciousness to mental health, and a healthy lifestyle. Abstrakt has been an influence in not only the scene, but the community.
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